#Advice March 14
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Today contribution to the 30-Day Letter Writing Coach4aday Challenge is on ADVICE.

The challenge involves composing a letter to yourself when you were an earlier age. The goal is to focus on a value, habit, or choice that needs to be adopted or made.
Over the past week have made a couple of long drives to interact with potential higher education clients. Driving time for me means periods of reflection.
Career Guidance
March 14, 2023
Dear Here and Now Dan:
A couple of long automobile rides over the past week have made me appreciate a lot of ADVICE I have received over the years. Truthfully, not all that I received was good. Painfully some of it was great, but I didn’t heed it in time. As I made my way thru the Piedmont of North Carolina and the Midlands of South Carolina on these drives two pieces of guidance came coming back to me. Those strong memory tugs are being prompted by work I am engaged in. One of my clients is finishing up a search for a senior leadership position and conversations with candidates have focused on two themes. One is disappointment when they are not offered the job and second is concern by the candidate if they will accept a position. That uncertainty is taking place before they have been notified.
Advice on Professional Decisions
Here are the two guiding principles I kept being reminded about this past week.
God has a wonderful plan for your life, but it is not your plan-Received that gem from my wife after ten years of being an assistant college basketball coach. She spoke this to me after I failed again to land an interview to become a head basketball coach. I had tried repeatedly but ten years as an assistant I still had not been interviewed let alone be offered a head coaching job. When I accepted that God was in charge within two months I was offered a job before I even applied.
You can’t turn down something that hasn’t been offered to you–This was my dad attempting to keep me grounded during those ten years of attempting to go from Assistant to Head Coach. I would get my hopes up and debate whether I would accept the job if offered. I was so naïve.
Grown Up Dan
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