Monthly Archive: July 2021

#SongLyricSunday July 11

Our host Jim Adams for Song Lyric Sunday has given us the weekly prompt of bugs and insects. The goal is to find a song that includes bugs or insects in title of lyrics....

#Mississippi July 10

MISSISSIPPI is a fun word to pronounce. The river that bears it’s name is also fascinating to learn about. In June my wife and I took a River Boat Cruise on the might MISSISSIPPI...

#Birthplace July 9

A person’s BIRTHPLACE is a significant component of any biography. Recent research studies have focused on what role a BIRTHPLACE might have on someone’s future education, career, health, and lifetime earnings. There are other...

#Hershey July 8

In America there is a name synonymous with chocolate and it is HERSHEY. The founder of this candy making company was Milton Hershey. His life is a fascinating portrait of hard work, perseverance, and...

#Stealing July 7

STEALING a base in baseball doesn’t happen in every inning especially at the professional level. As part of the #Coach4adayChallenge I wanted to go over some baseball history records related to stolen bases. Today...

#Can July 6

Beer has not always packaged in a CAN. Part of the #Coach4adayChallenge for July is to share some interesting aspect of history. How the beer CAN has evolved is the focus of this post....

#Presbyterians July 5

On a North Carolina battlefield before the Revolutionary War a clash took place between PRESBYTERIANS. Today’s post is part of the #Coach4adayChallenge to share something about history. It all occurred in Currie NC at...

#Signatures July 3

Every 4th of July I remind myself of the SIGNATURES found on the Declaration of Independence. Those leaders risked their lives by signing a document that has led to freedoms we have today. Today...

#Flag July 2

North Carolina’s State FLAG has two historical dates on it. My history lesson to share today as part of the #Coachh4adayChallenge is about those two dates. If you examine closely you will find May...