#2021 December 31
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This has been some year. Today’s post is part of “Past Year in Review” (PYR) I undertook. That concept came from Tim Ferris. When my 2021 PYR was finished it provided me with feedback on how I grew and lessons on how to get better.

In 2020 I began to create a new daily habit of taking on a 30-Day Challenge each month Over the past two years I have taken on 24 of them along with support from a number of friends including Jeff Neelon and Jaclyn Donovan.
List of all the 30 Day Coach4aday Challenges
If you go to the first day of the corresponding month on Coach4aday Blog each Challenge is described

Over time I have come to realize that it is not just taking on new challenges that brings purpose and joy to your life. What needs to be added to a challenge is time to reflect and review lessons learned. I can honestly say that of the 24 challenges I have undertaken five have become daily habits that have enriched my life and provided each day purpose.
2021 Life Lessons
2021 has galvanized the following thoughts for me.
- That every day truly is a gift-open it each morning excited about the possibilities
- If you want to be a “World Class Comedian” just tell COVID what your plans are.
- That television news is intentionally meant to grab our attention with fear not facts.
- When we embark on a journey to change us, everything around us seems to change.
- It is more important to focus on the gains in your life not the gaps to perfection.
- Success is the product of our daily habits. Small repetitive acts reap large gains.
- When you have control over your time you are truly wealthy
- Leaning into mistakes, disappointments, and rough days with a goal to learn and grow helps me cope.
- We only have three assets physical, financial, and human-it takes effort for each to increase in value.
- That GOD has a wonderful plan for my life, but I have to remember it may not be my plan.
One of the ideas I stole in 2021 came from Jim Collins. He spoke about a “Fulfillment Data” spreadsheet he did each day. His purpose was to track 3 components of a “Fulfilled Life”. How much time and what quality score did he give each day. I copied his idea. As I look back on 2021, I realize the best days were the days I was spending time living a “Fulfilled Life”.
Jim Collins looks to achieve three things each day to have a “Fulfilled Life” and they are listed below. I added a fourth which was exercise.

Tomorrow I will begin my 25th month of taking on a #Coach4adayChallenge. Will share the details in the January 1st post.
Happy New Year!
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