#Time December 12

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At Christmas TIME people share with each other gifts.

Most holiday gifts are material things. Presents wrapped up and delivered for family, friends and colleagues. When it comes to giving to others the majority of us opt to share our treasures and talents with others. There does exists a third way to give to others and that is to share our TIME.

I am going to share a story I read early this week that touched me because it involved basketball and TIME.

Of all the gifts I received as a small boy none gave me more joy then the basketball goal my dad put up in our gravel driveway. My dad and neighborhood friends did it right. It was 10 feet high mounted on sturdy metal pole. It was a gift I cherished. As I look back my dad didn’t just buy the goal. He received the gift of time from friends that welded the pole together and helped him get it in the ground.

The story I read this past week about basketball and TIME came from The Daily Coach blog

It is the story on how a Indiana FedEx driver named Aubrey Robinson used her TIME, talents, and treasures to change an 11 year boy’s life with a gift. It just so happened that the gift was a basketball goal.

Here is a link to a USA Today story on the gift of TIME

Here is the video

For many people during the holidays what they want the most is our TIME. It doesn’t have to be wrapped. Sharing and receiving the gift of TIME is a slam dunk.


My purpose in life is to coach. I am a former collegiate basketball coach, director of athletics, and chief of staff. I worked at four NCAA Division I & II universities during my career. At each campus I learned timeless lessons on teamwork and leadership. Today my passion is coaching others on what it takes to lead, serve, and succeed.

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