#Thoughts October 7
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This is a post on concepts I have recently pondered. Not the greatest post title but I’m calling it THOUGHTS.

- As Americans we are probably more comfortable with nostalgia than history. The conversations about social justice issues are hard. Sometimes it easier to hold on to something that makes us feel comfortable versus confronting all the issues.
- It often appears to me when we have lots of easy choices we experience a hard life. The opposite is also true. When we have lots of hard choices we experience an easier life.
- I have come to accept that in the pandemic every plan is going to change. The pandemic epitomizes “We don’t know-what we don’t know”
- The Presidential Debate exposed the reality that elected leaders truly believe Americans don’t care about civility.
- How did New York become the home of the two worst teams in the NFL?
- Where are all these “Spider Lilies” that seem to be everywhere in my neighborhood coming from? I have never seem them so prolific.

Seems like I am reading more about Utopia and Dystopia than any other time in my life.
8. I drank a Pumpkin Latte Blonde from Sycamore Brewing at Your Pie in Lumberton NC outside on a fall evening with a full moon rising. I was surrounded by friends and family. In that moment I could not have been more content.
9. Serendipity and magic can happen when you are looking for it.
That is a great THOUGHT to end on.
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