Tagged: Thomas Jefferson

#Signers July 4

During the month of July, I have taken up the 30-Day Curiosity Coach4aday Challenge, and today’s focus is on the topic of “Who were the SIGNERS of the Declaration of Independence? The mechanics of...

#56Americans July 4

Taking a day off from posting on the 30-Day Ingredient Coach4aday Challenge. Choosing to repost something about 56 AMERICANS who signed the Declaration of Independence. Every 4th of July I remind myself of the...

#Opinions April 11

Today’s word for the 30-Day Quotation Coach4aday Challenge is OPINIONS. What I am getting ready to write in the next couple of sentences is not something I am personally proud of. Using self-reflection has...

#Signatures July 3

Every 4th of July I remind myself of the SIGNATURES found on the Declaration of Independence. Those leaders risked their lives by signing a document that has led to freedoms we have today. Today...

#BestSellers December 5

It was not long ago when many newspapers posted all of their content online for free. I loved to browse the NY Times site on a Sunday and take in many features including their BEST SELLER list for...