Tagged: Motivational Quote

#Truth January 19

One great movie scene of all times is from the 1992 film “A Few Good Men“. What makes it unforgettable is a line about the TRUTH. Jack Nicholson in the role of Marine Col....

#Optimism January 18

Recently I came across a quote during my morning leadership reading about OPTIMISM. Lucy MacDonald is an anger and stress management specialist who has written a lot of books. Here is her quote on...

#Aging January 12

My friend Jeff Neelon posted something fabulous about AGING earlier this week. He is a leader who is still doing fabulous things after his LXX birthday. (Roman Numeral Quiz) Contrary to maybe popular perspective...

#15Years January 7

It has been written by many that change is coming at our world in rapid succession. One look back 15 YEARS might help illustrate that point. On January 9, 2007, Apple introduced the IPhone....

#Teacher August 18

Today’s 30 Day Daily Prompt for the #Coach4adayChallenge is TEACHER. Which professor, instructor, or TEACHER impacted you in school? Sometimes an educator or coach comes into your life at the right moment. One of...

#Structure June 12

STRUCTURE can be physical place but it also can be a concept or model on how to live your life. As part of the #Coach4aday Challenge for June many of us are sharing happy...

#Job June 2

This is a post about having a JOB. There is a lot to say. For many of us our JOBS can be a happy place. My family history is tied to a number of...

#Recap May 31

Today’s post is a RECAP of the #Coach4adayChallenge for May. This month it was to share “Life Lessons” you had learned from others. I want to first say thanks to Jeff Neelon for his...

#Associations May 25

Over the course of our lifetime we create ASSOCIATIONS with places, organizations, and most importantly other people. This month I have been sharing “Life Lessons” I have learned from others as part of the...

#Gift May 19

Every day is a GIFT. Today’s post is about that concept. As part of the 30 Day Life Lesson Challenge I am sharing “Life Lessons” many people have modeled for me. Some of these...