Tagged: Career Advice

#Better December 7

Many of us are looking for a formula to make our lives BETTER Early this week on Twitter I read fantastic advice from Paul Castle. He had this to say. If you’re not making...

#Connections December 6

I heard something this past week that is true in my life. We all have very strong direct CONNECTIONS to people in our lives. Examples would be family and our closest friends. We also...

#Remarkable November 26

I attempt each morning to write something REMARKABLE. Some simple definitions on the word REMARKABLE might include astonishing, marvelous, and sensational. Those are all fine but I really like the concept of REMARKABLE being...

#Notice November 18

Nicolaus Copernicus took NOTICE of something that at the time people other people did not see or would accept. In the early 1500s, when virtually everyone believed the Earth was the center of the...

#Vision November 17

Quick post today. Are there tools that can help us achieve goals? Jack Canfield is an author and transformational speaker who wrote “Chicken Soup for the Soul”. He believes the answer is yes. In...

#Culture November 14

I have begun to follow my own advice and listen to various podcasts when I am in the car. I recently listened to a Tim Ferris Podcast. Podcast by Tim Ferris I read a...

#Dozen November 12

Today is the 12th of the month. 12 is often described as a DOZEN. I love a DOZEN donuts. I buy eggs by the DOZEN. You can purchase a DOZEN golf balls. The greatest...

#Routine November 1

Sometimes I come across something on social media that says it all.  Last Sunday morning was one of those moments where I read something that I believe makes for a powerful post. Today’s post...

#Starters October 31

It is hard to believe but next week the NCAA College Basketball season will be upon us. I coached my last college basketball game some twenty years ago and the season certainly starts earlier...

#Delegate October 30

For many people that are self-starters and extremely hard workers eventually the day will come when they will be asked to lead a team. That promotion often comes with a leadership challenge. As a...