#Photos November 30
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ast Saturday I attended a family Thanksgiving gathering in Mebane NC that was fantastic. I have a reputation for taking a lot of PHOTOS at events. I got voluntold by my niece who was the hostess to take a lot of pictures.
I take PHOTOS because I want to memorialize the experiences and people I am with. Here is my favorite from last week and I didn’t even take it. A friend of my niece took it.
I dub this PHOTO the Gibson/Adams/Pike/Moldt/Judd/Kenney family Thanksgiving.

The group is so diverse it includes small children with big dreams, proud grandparents, loving moms and dads, professional athletes, artists, entrepreneurs, veterans, coaches, educators, brothers, sisters, and a whole bunch of cousins.
I gladly pay Apple .99 each month to increase my storage on Icloud. I have some 10,000 photos stored there. I have to confess many of them are not well done but I am hoping to improve the look of my iPhone Camera PHOTOS with some new techniques.
Here are some tips on taking PHOTOS I recently came across that I did not know.
1. I am always amazed that everybody I know can take a selfie PHOTO effortlessly. They do it by using the volume up button versus the camera shutter button.
2. Take if from me do not zoom with your camera the PHOTOS will become fuzzy. You are better to zoom in with a photo editor after you are done.
3. The flash doesn’t make photos better.
4. You can take PHOTOS with timer – I knew that but now I know how after reading this link. Shannon Ransom look out.
5. There is a website called IPhoneLife.com that can help all iPhone users get better at How-To stuff including taking PHOTOS.
I still have one problem with PHOTOS and that is the insistence of friends that want to photo bomb my creative skills. I have not found any useful tips with my friends that works.

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