#Pender August 12

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For the month of August 2024 several of us are going to take on a 30-Day County Coach4aday Challenge. The simple concept is to share a fact about a county in the US. My focus is going to be on North Carolina, and today I am selecting PENDER County.

Several structures in Pender County hold significant historic value to the region. Among them is the Sloop Point Plantation, the oldest house in North Carolina, which still stands in the county.

A map of the county is shown below highlighted in red.

County 30-Day Challenge Guidelines

Like previous challenges there are no hard and fast rules to participate. There are a few suggested guidelines.

  1. Each day in August learn something about a county in the United States
  2. Share that fact along with where it is located with others
  3. If so inclined use the hash tag #Coach4adayChallenge on social media platforms

August 12th-Pender County

Here are some tidbits about Pender.

Growing Community: Pender County has experienced significant population growth in recent years, particularly in the areas near Wilmington. This growth is driven by the county’s appealing blend of rural charm, coastal access, and proximity to larger urban areas.

Natural Beauty: The county features diverse landscapes, from coastal areas along Topsail Island to scenic rivers and expansive farmlands. The Holly Shelter Game Land, a large nature preserve, is a popular destination for outdoor activities like hunting, hiking, and wildlife observation.


My purpose in life is to coach. I am a former collegiate basketball coach, director of athletics, and chief of staff. I worked at four NCAA Division I & II universities during my career. At each campus I learned timeless lessons on teamwork and leadership. Today my passion is coaching others on what it takes to lead, serve, and succeed.

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