#New August 1

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Today is the first of the month so that means the beginning of a NEW 30 Day Challenge for the month of August. I want to continue with a growth mindset and attempt to create new habits.

Staying the same can be described in a lot of different ways.

Stuck in a rut.




Status quo. That last descriptor just means the existing condition. That is what is great about life if we don’t like our current condition we can change much of it.

Staying with the status quo doesn’t let your grow.

We have to challenge ourselves to improve and grow.

The animated video below talks about the benefits of 30 Day Challenges as outlined in a TED Talk given by Matt Cutts.

To change we need to attempt something NEW.  It can be both frightening and exciting. So even though it might sound redundant my NEW 30 Day Challenge for August is to do something NEW everyday.

I am excited about this challenge because trying something NEW each day has so many possibilities. 30 Days and 30 NEW experiences.

I can listen to NEW music, I can read a NEW Book, I can cook a NEW recipe, I can travel to someplace NEW, I can eat something NEW I can drink a NEW beer, I can meet someone NEW, and I can learn NEW vocabulary words.

Whatever is NEW to you and I qualifies for this 30 Day Challenge.

If you need more ideas try this link for inspiration.

I strongly encourage you to get out of your rut, eliminate the status quo, move out of neutral, and start moving forward by trying anything NEW for the next 30 DAYS. Waking up each morning knowing you will be doing something NEW can get us all out of the pandemic blues.

Happy to report that friends Bonnie Biggs, Tina Bullard, Jeff Neelon, Rebecca Cummings, Linda Branch and Tito Massol have all committed to doing something NEW each day in August. In fact this morning Jeff Neelon listened to the opera “The Marriage of Figaro” starring Luciano Pavarotti.

Jeff is not ready to give up listening to The Rolling Stones or book a trip to see an opera at the Met in NYC but he tried something NEW.

Come join us on this 30 Day Challenge. Just leave a comment at end telling us “I’m In”.

Your life is too important to be content with the status quo so break out of your rut and try something NEW.


My purpose in life is to coach. I am a former collegiate basketball coach, director of athletics, and chief of staff. I worked at four NCAA Division I & II universities during my career. At each campus I learned timeless lessons on teamwork and leadership. Today my passion is coaching others on what it takes to lead, serve, and succeed.

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