#Movies December 12
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Christmas or holiday traditions for many us vary. Tree decorating, advent wreaths, church services on Christmas Eve, baking, and of course gift giving. One tradition many have relates to MOVIES.

Holiday Movies
I know my neighbor Bonnie Biggs doesn’t think it is Christmas until she has watched It’s a Wonderful Life.

I came across a number of links as it relates to Christmas or Holiday Movies.
First the top 25 grossing holiday MOVIES. Home Alone sits on top which just happens to be my granddaughter Bryleigh’s favorite. She also loves watching an animated Netflix film called Angela’s Christmas.
Some classics are not on the top grossing list including It’s a Wonderful Life and A Christmas Story
Then there are holiday MOVIE lists that are more subjective. Here is 25 Best Holiday Movies and it has It’s A Wonderful Life at the top.
Some people have going to a MOVIE at the theatre on Christmas Day or the day after as part of their tradition. In fact tomorrow there are at least five MOVIES being released.

I won’t be headed off to the theatre tomorrow. If I get to watch part of Home Alone or Angela’s Christmas with my granddaughter then I will be okay with that being my “It’s a Wonderful Life”

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