#Growth May 14
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Today for the 30-Day Podcast Coach4aday Challenge my theme is GROWTH

There have been many books that have influenced me. One is by an author who happens to be a professor at Stanford named Carol Dweck. She is often credited with being responsible for a condition called “GROWTH Mindset“. Her book “Mindset: The New Psychology of Success” is a 2006 bestseller.

Day 14 Podcast
Driving to Southern Pines NC this past week I discovered a podcast called “The Happiness Lab“. Hosting this show is Dr. Laurie Santos a professor at Yale University. She had an episode that aired in November 2021 “How to Adopt a Growth Mindset“. Guest on this episode included a UT Austin psychology professor named David Yeager.
This podcast is quite popular and has over 30 million downloads.
Growth Mindset Takeaways
Whether we are on a fixed or growth mindset often depends on the situation it is a spectrum.
We can fall into limiting fixed mindsets, but a few techniques can help us adopt a “growth” mindset that will allow us to flourish. One example is to utilize the word yet. Instead of saying on the golf course ” I suck at putting” reframe it to “I’m not good at putting yet”.
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