#Graduation November 21
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Today is graduation day for our youngest son Mack. He will receive his finance degree in a drive by ceremony at UNC Pembroke. If you are looking for something to do on a Saturday you can watch a live stream. Mack should be coming across the stage around 11:00 a.m.

Every parent is proud when their child gets to participate in a University GRADUATION including me. Mack will complete a goal for my wife and I of seeing each of five children obtain a degree. All five graduated from a UNC institution.

From the moment of a child’s INCIPIENCY (30 Day Vocabulary Challenge) parents dream of milestones like college graduation.
I won’t be the commencement speaker today, that honor will go to Dr. Jerry McGee a great leader and good friend. He is a member of the North Carolina Sports Hall of Fame. I don’t know what advice he will give but I am sure it will be excellent. Jerry has lived a life of valuing education, fair play, and service to others.
My advice to my son on what he should do after GRADUATION is something I am borrowing from Gretchen Rubin. “You can choose what you do, but you can’t choose what you like to do.”
The secret to having a great life is to spend as much time as possible involved in what brings you joy and satisfaction. Yes you may have to embrace the suck of life to provide you the necessities of living. The secret is to pursue what helps you earn a living while also allowing you to live your best life. We all have talents and gifts equipped for our unique purpose in life. Discover them and use them.
Hope that is a lesson everyone who experiences GRADUATION learns sooner versus later.
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