Category: Events

#Runoff November 15

Today’s contribution to the 30-Day Election Trivia Coach4aday Challenge is on RUNOFF elections. Simply put this type of election takes place no candidate in the first election met the required threshold for victory. FAQ...

#18 November 10

Today contribution for the 30-Day Election Trivia Coach4aday Challenge is on the path that allowed 18-Year-Old Voters. It might be hard for people under the age of fifty to accept but when I turned...

#Tuesday November 5

Today for the 30-Day Election Trivia Coach4aday Challenge the post is on the fact that TUESDAY is not the only day in the world when people vote. Voters in the U.S. may head to the polls on...

#Candy October 29

On Monday lots of cute kids dressed up in costumes will be out trick or treating for CANDY. Reflecting on treats that kids including my granddaughter who is shown below probably don’t see any...

#Birthday February 22

Today is the BIRTHDAY of my next-door neighbor’s daughter Chelsea Biggs Memory. Her mom Bonnie and dad Kenny have been fantastic friends for almost twenty-five years. It is also cool that today is 2/22/22....

#Perspective January 14

Arming yourself with PERSPECTIVE often becomes a great coping mechanism. This month begins the nearly two-year journey with the COVID-19 pandemic. Locally in Robeson County we are dealing with surge of positive cases. On...

#15Years January 7

It has been written by many that change is coming at our world in rapid succession. One look back 15 YEARS might help illustrate that point. On January 9, 2007, Apple introduced the IPhone....

#Movies December 26

Christmas day movie releases have been a prominent part of the holiday. Today’s 30-Day Quiz Coach4aday Challenge is on MOVIES. The pandemic has changed things but over the last fifty years, moviegoing on December...

#Holidays December 25

Merry Christmas to everyone. Today’s 30-Day Quiz Coach4aday Challenge is a HAPPY HOLIDAY test. Full disclosure today’s quiz is a gift because it not really all that difficult. Day 24 Quiz Results Yesterday’s exam...