#Cards December 25

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Throughout December 2024, several of us are taking part in the 30-Day PPT Coach4aday Challenge. PPT is an acronym for People Places or Things. Each day we share our insights, thoughts, or memories about a person (living or dead), a place (we have visited or learned about) or a thing that intrigues us. Today I’m featuring Christmas CARDS.

If you’re like me, you might not have known that in 1843, Sir Henry Cole in England commissioned artist John Callcott Horsley to create a 1,000 Christmas card for him. If you want to see what it looked like take a look below.

People, Places, & Things 30-Day Challenge Guidelines

Like previous challenges there are no hard and fast rules to participate. There are a few suggested guidelines

  1. Each day in December 2024 write about a Person, Place or Thing-PPT
  2. Share at least one fact, memory, or quality about your subject choice.
  3. If so inclined use the hash tag #Coach4adayChallenge on social media platforms

December 25th-Christmas Cards

Located some interesting stuff on Christmas Cards especially on some noteworthy artists who designed them. Click on this link to read about five of them.

Christmas is the largest card-sending holiday in the United States with approximately 1.3 billion cards sent annually. Hallmark provides more than 2,000 Hallmark Christmas card designs, including more than 1,600 individual Christmas cards and more than 325 boxed card designs.

In America technology and digital images were supposed to kill off the idea of sending Christmas Cards but that hasn’t happened. So, America if you still like fruit cake, ugly Holiday Sweaters, and sending Christmas cards please know you are not alone.



My purpose in life is to coach. I am a former collegiate basketball coach, director of athletics, and chief of staff. I worked at four NCAA Division I & II universities during my career. At each campus I learned timeless lessons on teamwork and leadership. Today my passion is coaching others on what it takes to lead, serve, and succeed.

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1 Response

  1. John Tanner says:

    A Merry Christmas to you, Dan, to all of your family, and to the good people of Lumberton. (Ipve never met a bad one.).