#Birthplace July 9

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A person’s BIRTHPLACE is a significant component of any biography.

Recent research studies have focused on what role a BIRTHPLACE might have on someone’s future education, career, health, and lifetime earnings. There are other factors of course but you almost never read a biography about someone with reference to where they were born.

I went looking for a list of people I didn’t know that where born in North Carolina. Here is a partial list of interesting people that list their BIRTHPLACE in the Tar Heel State.

Howard Cosell   March 25, 1918 Winston-Salem, NC
Edward R. Murrow April 25, 1908 Polecat Creek (near Greensboro, NC)
Sugar Ray Leonard May 17, 1956 Rocky Mount, NC
Dolley Madison May 20, 1768 New Garden, NC
Vince McMahon August 24, 1945 Pinehurst, NC
David Brinkley July 10, 1920 Wilmington, NC
Zach Galifianakis October 1, 1969 Wilkesboro, NC
Soupy Sales January 8, 1926 Franklinton, NC
Sen. Robert Byrd November 20, 1917 North Wilkesboro, NC
Edward Snowden June 21, 1983 Elizabeth City, NC


Ava Gardner -who was married to Frank Sinatra was born December 24, 1922 in Smithfield NC

Here is a list of other names. Curious if you can add the BIRTHPLACE of other North Carolinians of note.


My purpose in life is to coach. I am a former collegiate basketball coach, director of athletics, and chief of staff. I worked at four NCAA Division I & II universities during my career. At each campus I learned timeless lessons on teamwork and leadership. Today my passion is coaching others on what it takes to lead, serve, and succeed.

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