#Ants July 30

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We had an ANT problem in our kitchen and it finally got too much for my wife and she declared war on them last week.

We both felt like the ANTS were coming into the house around a window over the sink. That was the knowledge we were operating under. That knowledge formed our approach to get rid of them. We both were exasperated that our techniques were not working.

She called in an exterminator located in Lumberton NC All Star Pest Management owned by Jason Malinsky

Jason told my wife the battle plan revolved around locating the trail they use to gain entry into the kitchen. He was quite certain that it was not the window. He told us about the behavior of ANTS how they communicate and the distances they will travel.

He began to follow the ants in our our kitchen and established their trail. He became like a hound dog and stayed on their tales (or antennae) . They exited the kitchen at the opposite end from the kitchen sink window and headed to the basement by going under a threshold.

They got down in the basement climbed up a wall and found their way outside via a pipe to our outside faucet. Much to my surprise when the trail got outside it went some 40 yards away from our home before they got to their nest. These rascals really can cover some ground.

Each ant species is unique and will travel different distances to find a food or water source. The goal was to make sure there entire trail was treated. It took four to five days but his approach worked.  We have not seen a single ant for several days running.

His knowledge about the behavior of ANTS was able to produce a solution.

I am convinced the best leaders attempt to understand behavior before attempting a plan.


My purpose in life is to coach. I am a former collegiate basketball coach, director of athletics, and chief of staff. I worked at four NCAA Division I & II universities during my career. At each campus I learned timeless lessons on teamwork and leadership. Today my passion is coaching others on what it takes to lead, serve, and succeed.

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