#Finish November 13

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The tagline for this website is Start and head to the FINISH line.

Runner headed to finish line

A real problem for any leader that is attempting to grow is often not the start but the FINISH.

It is noble to begin completing tasks that will fuel your goal to FINISH something but many people don’t get to the end. I have some thoughts on what might help you if the struggle to FINISH what you start is real.

TIME-We all are impatient and sometimes naïve on how much time something will take to complete. I know this is a major challenge for me. The balancing act is to accept that some goals cannot be reached quickly. Some projects cannot be completed quickly. Budget enough time and accept that it is going to require patience.

IMPORTANT-Each quest to grow or complete a new task probably has an important step that is not urgent. Those items that are important but not urgent get blown off too easily. Take care of the important steps.

DELEGATE-There may be somethings that you can delegate to others to keep you headed to the FINISH line. If there is do it.

GET HELP- Maybe there is a part of your goal or task that you need help on. Call in an expert/friend to help you. 

NO MULTI-TASKING-Allow yourself a block of time where the primary focus is on the next step.

CELEBRATE-Reward yourself for completing small steps and of course when you FINISH


My purpose in life is to coach. I am a former collegiate basketball coach, director of athletics, and chief of staff. I worked at four NCAA Division I & II universities during my career. At each campus I learned timeless lessons on teamwork and leadership. Today my passion is coaching others on what it takes to lead, serve, and succeed.

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