#Recap March 31
We may earn money or products from the companies mentioned in this post.
For March 2021 the 30 Day #Coach4adayChallenge involved preparing different Ethnic Foods/Meals. Today’s post is a recap of what was prepared and consumed.

First I want to give a big shout out to some leaders/friends who joined me in the challenge this month. Linda Branch, Jaclyn Donovan, and of course Jeff Neelon all participated and earned a “Virtual Coach4aday Challenge Coin”. Each of them like me stepped out of their culinary comfort zone and prepared and tried some interesting foods. Personally I was trying many different foods for the first time including spring rolls, fried plantains, Pai Thai, and Quindim.

I owe a big personal thank you to my wife Mira who was my co-partner in this endeavor. Our oldest son Geoff Kenney is highly regarded chef in Knoxville TN and he was our unpaid consultant. Here is video of Geoff cooking salmon for WBIR cooking segment called “In The Kitchen”.
His restaurants include Wicked Chicken and Harvest. If you are in Knoxville, TN and looking for a quality meal go dine with him.

Geoff provided us some great insight on the four ethnic menus we choose. The challenge’s goal was to prepare four (4) ETHNIC dishes or complete menus over 30 days. Here are links to our first three menus, we did Thai, Caribbean, and Irish. Our last menu was Brazilian and we shared it with two other couples last Friday night.
Our Brazilian menu is listed below and included an appetizer, entrée, and dessert. We also served a Brazilian Coffee with our dessert.
Appetizer–Pao de Quejo -which is Brazilian Cheese Bread stuffed with sausage. These little treats were light and fluffy. You do not have to stuff them they are great just with the cheese.

Entree–Moqueca de Camaroes-which is a Brazilian Shrimp Stew. It is creamy and has just a hint of heat. It calls for Dende oil which was a difficult item to find. It also has pureed diced tomatoes and coconut milk. We served over a bed of white rice.

Dessert–Quindim which is custard made with egg yolks, egg white, and coconut cooked in a hot water bath. We served the dessert with an iced coffee cocktail. This was a fantastic dessert it was very sweet. I can’t wait to try it again.

I really enjoyed the dishes we prepared for our Brazilian themed dinner.
This Challenge really exposed me to some dishes I have been missing out on. I have become less of a picky eater thanks to challenging myself to try something different. Having my wife join me this past month and sharing our Ethnic Dishes with family and friends made this one of my favorite 30 Day Challenges.
Tomorrow is April 1st so it is on to another new #Coach4adayChallenge. Hope you will consider joining us.
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