#Interdependence June 17

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As I mature as a leader I have come to realize that I am balancing the perspectives of Independence and INTERDEPENDENCE.

I can not help but chuckle at myself as I think of a Seinfeld clip featuring George Constanza as he explains to Jerry Seinfeld the battle between Independent George and Relationship George. It is a battle many leaders face.

George Contanza worlds are colliding

The exclusive leadership worlds of independence and INTERDEPENDENCE have their merits. The best leaders allow them to dance together not exclude one over the other.

Independent leaders want to be in control, want things done fast, and want them done in a certain way. When you just dance with independence the song playing in the background is micromanagement.

INTERDEPENDENCE leaders really want to understand the relationship, they want to mentor and cajole, they understand the payoff comes with stronger retention, innovation, creativity, and higher productivity. Yet when you dance exclusively with INTERDERPENDENCE your musical genre will have the word friendship in the title.

Leadership is not micromanaging and it is not being everyone’s best friend.

George Constanza is wrong about the dangers of his two worlds colliding. Independent George might be changed by Relationship George but it will not be killed.

As we try to apply a leadership recipe to the teams lead we need to remember it is more art than it is science. There needs to be independent and INTERDEPENDENT ingredients in the leadership menu offering we present to our teams.


My purpose in life is to coach. I am a former collegiate basketball coach, director of athletics, and chief of staff. I worked at four NCAA Division I & II universities during my career. At each campus I learned timeless lessons on teamwork and leadership. Today my passion is coaching others on what it takes to lead, serve, and succeed.

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