#Thanks November 26
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Today is Thanksgiving.

It will be the most different Thanksgiving Holiday for many including me. Like many of our American Holidays Thanksgiving has evolved to include lots of commercial elements to it. The way we share our abundance of food, the football games we watch, and for some the shopping all will be changed.
Some historians will tell us the primary purpose of the Pilgrims was to create a day of prayer and humility, giving thanks to God for our many blessings. Maybe the pandemic will help us return to that concept.
In that hope here is my Thanksgiving prayer focusing on noting more than THANKS
God I realize that being ungrateful will turn me bitter, selfish, and dissatisfied give me the strength to be grateful.
God I know I have much to be THANKFUL for you have blessed me in the following ways.
All of my material blessings have come from You. I am grateful for the gifts I have received.
I THANK You for the people in my life. I have been blessed to be touched by so many.
I THANK You for the trials and difficulties You have laid out before me. I trust in each of these that You will be there and help me.
I THANK You for sending your Son to be my Savior and Lord
I THANK You for being present in my life
Science has said that having an attitude of THANKFULNESS is healthy.
Robert Emmons, a psychology professor at the University of California at Davis, has been a leading researcher in this growing field, termed “positive psychology.”
His research and that of others has found that those who adopt an “attitude of THANKFULNESS or gratitude” as a permanent state of mind experience many health benefits.
I THANK each of you who have followed this blog over the past seven years.
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