Tagged: Song Lyrics


#SongLyrics January 1

For January 2025, several of us are taking part in the 30-Day Song Lyrics Coach4aday Challenge. Each day we utilize a theme and post the SONG LYRICS from a song that connects the two. Today...

#SongLyricSunday March 14

This week our host Jim Adams for Song Lyric Sunday has given us the prompt of Anguish/Misery/Torment Take some time to read the posts of other bloggers who respond to this music challenge, and...

#Lyric August 25

Last week on a Tuesday afternoon I went searching on WordPress Reader for a new idea for my 30 Day “Do Something New Daily” Challenge. I found it by seeing writers constantly referring to Song LYRIC Sunday prompted...

#Life March 15

If you suddenly find large voids of time in your life maybe starting a 30 Day Challenge is in order. One of the things that a 30 Day Challenge can do for you is...