#RoadTrip December 15
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Throughout December 2024, several of us are taking part in the 30-Day PPT Coach4aday Challenge. PPT is an acronym for People Places or Things. Each day we share our insights, thoughts, or memories about a person (living or dead), a place (we have visited or learned about) or a thing that intrigues us. Today I am sharing a ROAD TRIP story.

Taking a road trip with a bunch of friends is often the perfect formula for a memorable story. That happened in 1989 with a bunch of UNC Pembroke work colleagues and golf buddies decided to attend Super Bowl XXIII. The group of six left Lumberton NC bound for Miami FL early on Thursday January 19, 1989, aboard JK Pringle’s Conversion van which looked something similar to what is shown below.

The group included Bill Mason, Ray Pennington, Lacey Gane, JK Pringle, Dick Pisano, and Howard Dean.
They found some hotel rooms some distance from Joe Robbie Stadium and had a great weekend playing golf and trying to spot Super Bowl celebrities.
Sunday arrived and it was game day and a great opportunity for a road trip story to develop.
People, Places, & Things 30-Day Challenge Guidelines
Like previous challenges there are no hard and fast rules to participate. There are a few suggested guidelines
- Each day in December 2024 write about a Person, Place or Thing-PPT
- Share at least one fact, memory, or quality about your subject choice.
- If so inclined use the hash tag #Coach4adayChallenge on social media platforms
December 15th-Road Trip Story
A good road trip story often includes miscalculations, mistakes, and irony. This tale has plenty of those moments.
When Super Bowl XXIII Sunday rolled around the group of six had the van loaded up with their tailgating supplies and they headed off to the game. The first tactical error was made by leaving their hotel 2.5 hours before game time for a 45-minute commute. The traffic going into Joe Robbie Stadium (which today is called Hard Rock) was gridlock. They mostly sat in traffic inching along. Men of their age demographics have weak bladders, so a physiological problem was beginning with arriving on time.
JK Pringle was tasked as quartermaster and driver for this trip and had the van well stocked with beverages which mostly consisted of beer. Eventually the beer they were drinking needed to be returned somewhere.
Dick Pisano became the first occupant of the van to state he needed to pee. Everyone is the van is telling him to hold it or go in the van using an empty beer bottle. The other five all state there is no way they are getting off the highway to look for a bathroom because that will result in them missing kickoff for Superbowl XXIII.
Dick continued to insist he had to go when JK told him to wiz in a small empty pickle jar he had in the van. Dick asked him if he was joking and JK replied in an authoritative manner the van is not stopping. If you have to wiz do in in the jar.
Well Dick really had to go so he starts multi-tasking by holding the jar in one hand and his Johnson in the other. At the moment Dick is in mid-stream JK sees an opening in the traffic and guns the van to make a lane change. That sudden movement did not go well with Dick’s plan to neatly remove his bladder. The jar has spilled all over his hands and he is furious. He is screaming at JK to pull over so he can wipe his hands off in the grass.
JK relents to the screams and pulls the van on the grass shoulder. Dick jumps out of the van’s side doors and bends over to wipe his hands clean in the grass. Dick’s Super Bowl Sunday luck only got worse when he rubbed his hands in a particular patch of grass that concealed a dog turd. Now he had the daily double of hygiene trouble. He had his own urine and dog feces all over his hands. He frantically wiped his hands in another patch of grass while the group of five were laughing uncontrollably at the irony of what just happened.
Dick entered the van kept his hands to himself until they got to the stadium, and he found him a washroom.
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