#Rain January 26
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For January 2025, several of us are taking part in the 30-Day Song Lyrics Coach4aday Challenge. Each day we utilize a theme and post the song lyrics from a song that connects the two. Today my theme is on rain and my song is RAINY DAY WOMEN #12 and #35.

In 1966 Rainy Day Women #12 and #35 and was included on Bob Dylan’s album “Blond on Blonde“. Dylan wrote the song, and many critics did not like it. The song was often referred to as a drug song, but Dylan insisted it’s meaning could be found in Acts 7:54-60 referencing Stephen. His message was no matter what Stephen said he was going to get stoned by his enemies.
Song Lyrics 30-Day Challenge Guidelines
Like previous challenges there are no hard and fast rules to participate. There are a few suggested guidelines
- Post the lyrics to the song of your choice, and explain, if necessary, why it connects to your daily theme.
- Please try to include the songwriters
- Link to a video so people can listen to the song
January 26th-Theme-Rain-Song-Rainy Day Women #12 and #35
Many of Dylan’s songs have appeared in films including this one. This was on the soundtrack to the 1994 movie Forrest Gump. Some critics have said the song sounds like a tune the Salvation Army brass band would play. There might be a good reason for that.
Guitarist and bassist Charlie McCoy played the trumpet on this. He recalled to Uncut magazine March 2014: “(Producer, Bob) Johnston said, ‘Tonight he wants to do a song with a Salvation Army sound – we need a trumpet and trombone.’ I said, ‘Does the trumpet need to be good?’ He’s said, ‘no!’

I found a YouTube clip that includes the rehearsal and the final take.
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