#Lou January 28
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For January 2024 several of us will be participating in the “30-Day 6 Degrees of Separation Coach4aday Challenge”-today we dive into connections between New Jersey natives LOU COSTELLO and Frank Sinatra.

Lou Costello was a comedian and actor born in 1906 in Paterson NJ. He and his partner Bud Abbott were part of my childhood TV viewing. The two of them formed a comedy team called Abbott and Costello. They had a TV show The Abbott and Costello Show along with appearing in 36 films from 1940 to 1956. They also are famous for their stand-up routine about baseball called “Who’s on First“.

Rules of the Challenge
Many people have heard of this concept. The notion of six degrees of separation grew out of work conducted by the social psychologist Stanley Milgram in the 1960s. It then became a 1993 film named appropriately “Six Degrees of Separation.”
Organizing a six degrees of separation challenge involves creating a chain of people, each connected to the next by a mutual acquaintance. The goal is to demonstrate that any two people in the world can be connected through a chain of six or fewer personal connections.
How to Participate
Here is how to participate:
- Identify the First and Last Person in the Chain.
- Go thru the connections with a brief explanation.
- Do this daily for 30 Days posting on social media with the hashtag #Coach4adayChallenge
January 28-Lou Costello to Frank Sinatra
6 Degrees of Separation-Lou Costello-Bud Abbott-Carole Costello-Craig Martin-Dean Martin-Frank Sinatra
- Lou Costello-was comedic partner with Bud Abbott from 1936 to 1957.
- Bud Abbott was about 10 years older than Costello and he was born in New Jersey (Asbury Park 1897). Costello got married two years before teaming up with Abbott. He married Anne Battler and they had 4 children including Carole Costello who was born in 1938.
- Carole Costello married Craig Martin.
- Craig Martin was the son of Dean Martin and was born in 1942.
- Dean Martin was born in 1917 and was a gigantic entertainer in the 1960’s. He was part of a group that earned the nickname Rat Pack. The members included Dean Martin-Sammy Davis Jr-Peter Lawford-Joey Bishop and Frank Sinatra.
- Frank Sinatra was born in Hoboken NJ in 1915. He is considered one of the greatest singers in US history.
Here is a video of Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra
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