#Galvanized November 21
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When a metal gets GALVANIZED the process involves applying a protective zinc coating to steel or iron, to prevent rusting. The purpose is to extend the life of the metal especially ones exposed to harsh elements. Buckets are a very common metal item that goes through this process.

Many of us don’t realize that in life we have the opportunity to GALVANIZE ourselves. We all have difficulties and troubles come our way. We get to choose if they will discourage us or GALVANIZE our inner spirit. Very few people can see that conflict, disappointment, and adversity can help us grow stronger.
It is impossible to go thru life without pain or discomfort. To be honest we cannot really grow unless we are uncomfortable. It is only by experiencing pain that we have the opportunity to GALVANIZE our resolve to change. So in life pain and discomfort can be our zinc if we approach it with the right choice.
The video I have posted deals with a 22 year old diagnosed with leukemia. Her name is Suleika Jaouad She had a grim prospects for living. That is painful. She became GALVANIZED. She has a great quote in this talk about a choice.
The choice to let the worst thing that every happened to you hold you hostage or find a way forward.
When you choose the latter you become GALVANIZED.
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