#Frosty December 28
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Throughout December 2024, several of us are taking part in the 30-Day PPT Coach4aday Challenge. PPT is an acronym for People Places or Things. Each day we share our insights, thoughts, or memories about a person (living or dead), a place (we have visited or learned about) or a thing that intrigues us. Today I’m writing about an author named Forrest “FROSTY” Westering.

Often at the end of the calendar year people get reflective and ponder the significance of their professional life. They wonder if they will ever reach the pinnacle or “big-time” of their chosen career. One book that helped me with that philosophical question was written by Frosty Westering. His book was titled “Make the Big Time Where You Are At”

The book is for everyone but has a special emphasis on teachers and coaches.
People, Places, & Things 30-Day Challenge Guidelines
Like previous challenges there are no hard and fast rules to participate. There are a few suggested guidelines
- Each day in December 2024 write about a Person, Place or Thing-PPT
- Share at least one fact, memory, or quality about your subject choice.
- If so inclined use the hash tag #Coach4adayChallenge on social media platforms
December 28th-Frosty
Books have been an important part of shaping various elements of my personal and professional life. Books have given me philosophic foundations to live by. One of those books was written by a football coach named Forrest “Frosty” Westering. He served as the head coach at Parsons College, Lea College, and Pacific Lutheran University.
While he was the coach at PLU he won 4 National Championships at the NAIA Level.
The essence of Frosty’s book is it tells stories and anecdotes that helps leaders know where the big-time really is. It doesn’t come from a place or title but the opportunity to have influence on the people on your team or in your classroom right now not somewhere in the future.
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