#Church May 13
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There are so many organizations trying to navigate the tsunami of change that COVID 19 has brought to their shores. CHURCHES across the world are part of that list of entities trying to move forward. Change is coming and CHURCH leaders can find comfort in the uncomfortableness of changing to realize it has occurred before.

I reflect back on my childhood growing up in the Catholic CHURCH and vividly remember VATICAN II. That was leadership in the 1960’s trying to bring Catholicism up to the standards of the modern world. Prior to Vatican II mass was in Latin, praying with people of other Christian faiths was a no-no, and you received communion kneeling down at an altar. Things changed.
I began to think about what CHURCH changes have occurred in the 21st Century before COVID 19. Here is a list of what I came up with. These may not be proven facts but observations of change.
Projection screens. I have been to many CHURCHES for funerals and weddings of all Christian denominations and the prevalence of screens is staggering. I just don’t remember seeing that at turn of the century. Those projections screens in many church are used to project the words from the hymnals.
Online giving- I read that 74% of Americans that are under the age of 40 write no more than one check a month. There are all types of methods many CHURCHES are encouraging their congregations to give online.
Dress-For those of us in my age bracket the change on what people wear to attend CHURCH sometimes doesn’t even meet the low threshold of casual. Those standards of a dress code have been relaxed all across the country. I am not criticizing that standard just observing it has changed
Multi Services-I was raised Catholic so this was not a new phenomenon to that religion but many CHURCHES in the past 15 years have added multi services.
Sunday Evenings-I have observed in our community fewer and fewer CHURCHES are having a Sunday evening service.
I am quite certain that many CHURCHES will adapt not only in the short term but long term.
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