#Beginning December 30
We may earn money or products from the companies mentioned in this post.
Tomorrow will mark the end of six years of writing a post every day on this blog. That comes to over 2,100 posts. It has become a daily habit.
I was asked in November did I envision this in the BEGINNING? The answer is no. It is amazing what happens when you decide to start something.

Here is a link to my first post I wrote on Jan. 1 2014.
Here is a quote from my first post.
“Not sure where the finish line will take me but I have started. The longest journey begins with the first step.“
I started this blog at the suggestion of Wendell Staton.

I would often share leadership articles, stories, quotes, or profiles on high achievers with friends. Wendell suggested I start a leadership blog. January 1, 2014 was the BEGINNING of the Coach4aday blog.
My naiveté on what makes a good blog was you only had to occasionally post content.
After I made the decision to begin blogging two conversations impacted me. Those two interactions helped me understand the why and what of writing each day. The first one was a why conversation I had with a friend of our family. Her name is Genevieve Parker Hill.

She is the daughter to Maria Parker. Maria is of one of the best athletes, leaders, and friends I have ever had the privilege to be associated with. Today Maria is the CEO of Cruz Bikes along with being advocate for finding a cure for brain cancer.

Genevieve is a fantastic writer and talented blogger. She told me the best blogs had daily content. That revelation stung. If I was BEGINNING something I did not want the goal to be average. What the hell was I going to write about every day?
The second conversation led me to what to write about. It took place over the 2013 Christmas holidays. My four sons began to quiz me on my 2014 New Year’s Resolutions.

I told them that their old man in 2014 was going to drink a different beer every day in 2014. My goal was to drink 365 unique beers in 2014. One each day. For the record in 2014 I accomplished the goal of drinking a BEER OF THE DAY
So the BEGINNING of this blog was Genevieve telling me a blog needed daily content and me pledging to my sons to drink a different beer each day. I took my New Year’s resolution I boldly told my sons and started writing daily on the beer of the day. I occasionally added a post about leadership.
In subsequent years I have written about A FRIEND OF A FRIEND, COLLEGES, NORTH CAROLINA, and LEADERSHIP all with a daily post.
The BEGINNING of that daily habit will carry on into year seven in 2020. It is automatic for me now to write a daily post. It is not a chore or a responsibility it is part of who I am. I did not see that in the BEGINNING.
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