#Spelling December 29
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Today’s 30-Day Quiz Coach4aday Challenge is on SPELLING.

The premise is to correctly spell ten words that are most often misspelled. I have a few that I am always getting wrong quite including Superintendent and Convenience. Hopefully they won’t pop up.
Day 28 Results
Yesterday the quiz was on musical instruments specifically percussion. I had a few that were lucky guesses. The results can be found below.

Day 29 Spelling Quiz
Not sure anyone taking this short ten-word test is going to move on to the next round of the Scripps National Spelling Bee. If you are interested the 2022 Scripps National Spelling Bee will take place the week of Memorial Day 2022 at Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center in National Harbor, Maryland.
To take today’s quiz which is located on Purpose Games go to the Day 29 Most Misspelled Word Quiz.
Tomorrow will be the last quiz for the December 30-Day Quiz Coach4aday Challenge
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