Monthly Archive: January 2022

#Recap January 31

Yesterday ended the 30-Day Sugar Free Detox Challenge. The post today is a RECAP of lessons learned and results. Finishing this challenge was the most difficult of the previous 25 Coach4aday Challenges. Navigating the...

#Reward January 29

Tomorrow I will close the chapter on the 30-Day Sugar Free Detox Coach4aday Challenge. The question came up how to REWARD myself. Dealing with the way to celebrate has also caused me to reflect...

#Signature January 28

Thich Nhat Hanh passed away peacefully on January 22, 2022. While alive he shared with the world a great quote about our SIGNATURE. He was a spiritual leader, poet, and peace activist and author....

#Exempt January 27

Thinking you should be EXEMPT from an obligation often stems from feeling entitled. There are exceptions and I want to talk about one. Taxes often share a common disdain amongst citizens, but we realize...

#Bone January 26

Past decades have seen a decline in co-workers tagging each other with nicknames. Sometimes those nicknames involved a body part like BONE. Not going to debate that the demise of workplace nicknames might stem...

#Tar January 25

North Carolina’s association with TAR runs deep. Let’s start with the nickname for the UNC Tarheels. Here is the story behind that. UNC Tarheels Nickname Many years ago Many years ago, being called someone...

#Deflection January 24

Receiving compliments or praise often causes many to utilize the art of DEFLECTION. For leaders and quite frankly all of us we need to realize that consistently blowing off a compliment is not doing...

#Undervalued January 22

What are some of the most UNDERVALUED items in most people’s lives? Personally, I believe it is not tangible items like stocks or commodities but our self-esteem. Warren Buffet has made a fortune by...